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Book: Thrive! - People's Guide to Thriving Future
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Copyright 2014-21

Gary "Chris" Christopherson


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What Will Our World Do So It Thrives?  Game 3.

#Thrive #ThrivingFuture #ThriveEndeavor #T! #AllThriveForever


Path and Future.  

     [Back to Game 3 Start]


During “play”, you and all of us face four possible futures [See Graphic - Future for World's Thriving and Surviving]:

  • Current Path where there is little thriving and survival ends much too soon. Loss.

  • Survive Path where there is little thriving and survival is extended but still ends too soon. Smaller loss.

  • Partial Thrive Path where there is more thriving and survival is extended more but still ends too soon. Partial win.

  • Full Thrive Path where there is high thriving and survival is extended to maximum. Ultimate win.

To avoid losing, get off Current Path. For ultimate win, get on Full Thrive Path where you and all of us survive and thrive today, near and far future, and forever.


Alternative Futures - World

#ThriveEndeavor! #AllThriveForever

Thrive Endeavor

Thrive! Endeavor

What will you do [to thrive]?